Agreement to Terms of Use

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Agreement to Terms of Use

Agreement to Terms of Use


After you apply for registration, you have to send a copy of a document to confirm your visual disability by fax(+82-2-887-1120), mail, or email for a full subscription.

Please write 'for registration of Music Rehabilitation Center’ and your name & phone number below the phrase when you send it by fax, mail, or email.


Chapter1. General Provisions

Article 1. Object

This agreement aims at making basic terms regarding use conditions and procedures of the website or services between user and Music Rehabilitation Center for the blind attached to Siloam Center for the Blind(“Music Rehabilitation Center”) provided by Music Rehabilitation Center

Article 2. Definition of Terms

2.1 Definition of terms in this agreement is as follows.

(a) 'User' means a person who was authorized an account after concluding usage agreement with Music Rehabilitation Center in order to be provided services of this website.

(b) 'Account' means a combination of letters and numbers chosen by user and authorized by Music Rehabilitation Center for identification of user and services of this website.

(c) 'Password' means a combination of letters and numbers chosen by user to confirm an identical user with an authorized account and it protects the rights and interests of user.

(d) 'Usage Agreement' means a contract signed between user and Music Rehabilitation Center with this agreement in order to be provided website services.

(e) 'Termination' means cancellation of usage agreement by user or Music Rehabilitation Center.

2.2 Definition of terms in this agreement follows relevant Act and common practices of transaction except the definition besides set up in the paragraph 1.

Article 3. Effect and Changes of the Agreement

3.1 This agreement is valid by being posted online or notified to user with other methods.

3.2 Music Rehabilitation Center can change this agreement if there are rational reasons. When terms of this agreement have changed, Music Rehabilitation Center posts or notifies the change immediately with the same way as the paragraph 1. However, the change of important rules regarding rights or liabilities of user is posted or notified at least 7 days before.

3.3 User can stop using the website or cancel the usage agreement at any time if he or she doesn't agree with changed terms. User who continues to use services after the effective date of this agreement is counted that he or she agreed with changed terms.

Article 4. Appliance of Terms

This agreement is applied to use of this website services. Issues that are not stated in this agreement follow Telecommunications Basic Act, Telecommunications Business Act, Act regarding Promotion of Information and Communications network, and other relevant Act.


Chapter 2. User Registration

Article 5. Conclusion of usage agreement and Unit of an Agreement

5.1 Usage agreement is concluded by acceptance of use from Music Rehabilitation Center regarding application of user registration.

5.2 Usage agreement is concluded by a user’s account. One person use one account after authorized and he or she cannot be authorized 2 accounts or more.

Article 6. Application for Use

6.1 User who wants service use should apply for registration with a real name on the website. Music Rehabilitation Center should notify the applicant for registration about main contents of this agreement.

6.2 Every information that user filled in an account registration form is regarded as real data. Therefore, user who writes false information cannot be protected by law and their use of services can be limited.

6.3 Users are classified into visually impaired users and non-visually impaired users. Visually impaired users should submit copies of welfare card and documents which confirm their visual disability by fax(82-2-887-1120) or email( Non-visually impaired users can partly use services such as notice board, user’s web page, etc. except for services only for visually impaired users.

If a user is waiting for verification of welfare card from Music Rehabilitation Center after he or she registered for a visually impaired user, he or she can only use services same as non-visually impaired users.

6.4 User can be notified of overall status of user after account registration such as information of application acceptance, registration process, etc. after he or she logs in.

Article 7. Approval of User Registration

Music Rehabilitation Center approves user’s registration after verifying user’s identity and notifies the user of overall information necessary for service use.

Article 8. Disapproval of Use Application and Restriction of Approval

8.1 Music Rehabilitation Center may not approve user registration when it corresponds to the following terms.

(a) When user registered with other person's name or non-real name

(b) When user filled in false information on an account registration form

(c) When approval of use is difficult due to a reason for fault by other applicants for registration

8.2 Music Rehabilitation Center can suspend approval of user registration if there is a problem with service system until the problem is solved.

8.3 Music Rehabilitation Center should notify an applicant for registration immediately when the user application is not approved or restricted by paragraph 1 and 2.

Article 9. Authorizing, changing, etc. an Account

9.1 Music Rehabilitation Center authorizes an account to user according to terms decided by notice of Music Rehabilitation Center and user’s guide of service.

9.2 Music Rehabilitation Center can change an account of user by an agreement with the user in case of the following terms.

(a) When an invasion of privacy is expected because user's phone number or ID registration number is registered as the user's account

(b) When user harasses or intimidates other users or harms our traditional custom

(c) When there are other rational cases

9.3 Other matters of account management, change, etc. follow this agreement, notice of Music Rehabilitation Center, or what's decided in user’s guide of service.


Chapter 3. Duties and Responsibilities of Contracting Parties

Article 10. Duties of Music Rehabilitation Center

10.1 Music Rehabilitation Center should handle opinions or dissatisfaction immediately suggested by user if it is regarded legitimate. However, when immediate handling is difficult, Music Rehabilitation Center should notify user of the reason and a processing schedule via email or telephone, etc.

10.2 Music Rehabilitation Center should make efforts to consult user's convenience and provide stable services when managing the website.

10.3 Music Rehabilitation Center should fix or restore the website immediately if there is an error with the system in order to provide continuous and stable services. However, Music Rehabilitation Center can suspend website services or temporarily in case of natural disasters, emergency, or other unavoidable case.

Article 11. Protection and Management of Personal Information

11.1 Music Rehabilitation Center should protect user's personal information provided during registration application and created during use of website by user by relevant Act such as Act regarding Promotion of Information and Communications network. However, other linked website on Music Rehabilitation Center’s website except for its official one are not applied to privacy policy of it. However, Music Rehabilitation Center can use personal information provided during user registration on the following terms.

(a) Fulfillment of usage agreement such as service provision

(b) Management of user

(c) Transmission of notice and guide to each user

11.2 Music Rehabilitation Center does not provide personal information to a third party without agreement of user, but following terms can be exceptions.

(a) If there is a purpose of a crime investigation, a request from Korea Internet Safety Commission, or a request by procedures in other relevant Act

(b) If it is impossible to identify specific individuals with personal information when it is needed for statistics, academic research, or market research

(c) When Music Rehabilitation Center informs a delivery company about minimum information of user(name, address, telephone number) required for delivery during its process

11.3 A managing director of website user's personal information is a Hyo-Myeong Music Team leader(Hwa-Jung Tang). Address and contact number are 1717, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea and 82-2-880-0670; however, the managing director of personal information can be changed. In case, it shall be notified on the website.

11.4. User can access his or her personal information whenever and correct an error by himself or herself. Access or correction is made with the same way as user registration in principle and detailed ways of it follow notice or guide.

Article 12. Duties of User

12.1 User should inform Music Rehabilitation Center immediately when contents of usage agreement such as address or contact number have changed; however, a real name and email address necessary for service management cannot be changed.

12.2 If the information which was filled during registration application has changed, 'User' should change it online or notify Music Rehabilitation Center about the changes in other ways like email.

12.3 Music Rehabilitation Center is not responsible when disadvantages arisen because user does not inform changes of Music Rehabilitation Center.

12.4 User must not do behaviors stated in the following terms. You must not:

(a) use other user’s account improperly;

(b) interrupt the stable management of service by sending large quantity of information;

(c) continuously send spam mail, obscenity, and violent messages which are against receivers' opinion;

(d) cause malfunction of information and communication equipment and destroy information, etc.;

(e) violate Intellectual Property Rights such as copy rights of Music Rehabilitation Center and a third party;

(f) damage honor of Music Rehabilitation Center and a third party and interrupt business;

(g) do illegal campaigning by National Election Management Commission’s regulations;

(h) damage good custom or other society rules;

(i) use information for commercial purposes acquired from services without agreement of Music Rehabilitation Center;

(j) violate Information and Communication Act, etc.;

(k) change information posted by Music Rehabilitation Center and post or transmit information other than information decided by Music Rehabilitation Center(computer program, etc.); or

(l) do other illegal or unjust action.

12.5 User should be careful of managing an account or password and the individual should be responsible for all problems caused by lending his or her own account to others.

12.6 User should observe this agreement and other related Act and should not act causing noticeable problems on Music Rehabilitation Center’s business.


Chapter 4. Restriction and Suspension of Service

Article 13. Restriction and Suspension of Service

13.1 Music Rehabilitation Center can restrict or suspend all or part of services when war, major incidents, natural disasters, or national emergency occur or seem to happen; or when there are compelling circumstances such as suspension of telecommunication service by key telecommunications business operator by Electric Communication Law.

13.2 Music Rehabilitation Center should notify user in advance of the reasons, restriction period, etc. when it restricts or suspends all or part of services by the paragraph 1.


Article 14. Restriction of Service Use

14.1. Music Rehabilitation Center can restrict or terminate user’s services in case of the following terms. However, if it restricts or terminates service use, it should notify user 7 days before the action and give him or her opportunity to state an opinion.

(a) If user does not fulfill his or her duties in paragraph 2, 3, and 4 in article 12

(b) When false registration is exposed

(c) When Korea Internet Safety Commission demands use restriction

14.2 User who was notified use suspension by the previous paragraph can raise an objection to the notification of the use suspension. Music Rehabilitation Center can postpone the suspension of use by a period for confirming the objection.

14.3 When a reason of a use suspension is solved during the period, Music Rehabilitation Center immediately cancels the suspension of use.

14.4 If Music Rehabilitation Center restricts services use, the detailed standards follow additional direction decided on the notice, service guide, etc of Music Rehabilitation Center.


Chapter 5. Temporary Suspension and Termination

Article 15. Temporary Suspension

When user wants to suspend service use temporarily or prolong the suspension period as he or she doesn't want to get services for a certain period, user should apply to Music Rehabilitation Center by stating reasons, period, etc of the temporary suspension.

Article 16. Termination

16.1 When user wants to terminate usage agreement, the user’s own should apply on the website through a direct visit, a phone call, or a notice board on the website.

16.2 When application of termination is accepted by the previous paragraph, Music rehabilitation Center confirms whether usage agreement is terminated and terminates services from the next day.

16.3 Music Rehabilitation Center can accept application of re-registration from a terminated user due to personal reasons. However, when the terminated user by the paragraph 1 in article 14 applies to re-registration, website management decides whether accepting re-registration and notifies the result through a meeting


Chapter 6. Supplementary Provisions

Article 17. Management of Data and Posts

17.1 Music Rehabilitation Center can take necessary actions such as deletion, shift, and refusal to registration of data and posts corresponding to the following terms in order to achieve a proper communication culture and manage efficient services.

(a) As data and posts presumed to violate other’s legal benefit, 1)if there is a request to be deleted, etc. from stakeholders or 2)if they provide reasons for Music Rehabilitation Center to be sued or accused

(b) Data and posts containing virus, etc. that may damage services

(c) Data and posts causing serious damages to other users’ services

(d) Data and posts which are demanded to be deleted, etc. from national institutions by Act related to information communication and criminal cases

17.2 If Music Rehabilitation Center takes actions following the previous paragraph, it should notify user of the fact. However, if urgent actions are necessary, it can notify user after the action.

Article 18. Copyright and Use Restriction

18.1 Unless there is a clear sign of objection, user's actions to provide data or posts through posting, transmission, etc. are regarded as giving complete Right of Communication the Public to Music Rehabilitation Center.

18.2 Copyrights and other intellectual property regarding posts done by Music Rehabilitation Center belong to Music Rehabilitation Center.

18.3 User should not use information and files gained from the website for profit purposes by copy, transmission, publication, distribution, and other ways.

18.4 Actions in the previous paragraph can be canceled in future according to details decided by the notice or service guide by Music Rehabilitation Center.



1. (Effective date) This agreement is effective from January 1, 2012.